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APDIQ’s 80th anniversary: Join the celebration !

1935 to 2015 – 80 years serving the interior design profession.

The 80th anniversary of the Association will be a marvellous opportunity for designers to celebrate their profession, take an entertaining look back over eight decades of design in Quebec through networking activities and friendly competition between members from Quebec City and Montreal, and pay tribute to their industry and their association.

October 28, 2015, marks the 80th anniversary of APDIQ, the association representing interior design professionals in Quebec. The association’s history dates back to 1935, when it was known as the Interior Decorators Society of Quebec. Since then, the title of Interior designer has evolved but also the responsibilities, rights and codes governing business practices.

Over the past 80 years, the landscape of interior design has undergone continual change. This milestone anniversary will be a marvellous opportunity for designers to celebrate the profession, take an entertaining look back over eight decades of design in Quebec through networking activities and friendly competition between members from Quebec City and Montreal, and pay tribute to their industry and their association.

Date: Thursday November 12th, 2015

Locations: Montreal & Quebec City simultaneously

To discover the day’s program: 

      Program for Montreal                           Program for Quebec City

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