Au mois de juillet dernier, le Conseil d’Éducation Continue en Design d’Intérieur (CECDI) a mis en ligne la nouvelle interface…
APDIQ encourages you and your business to introduce the Interior Designer trade to young high school students, at a turn…
World Design Summit 2017 : CALL FOR PROPOSALS What are the innovative design ideas and actions that could bring about better futures?…
“Your Webmatic website” We are offering 10 members the chance to take part in the creation of a new tool for designers,…
MAY 5 – 7, 2016 The SALON DU DESIGN is the annual rendez-vous for all industry professionals working in design, architecture, construction, and for those who are passionate…
The APDIQ is looking for an administrative/member services assistant. The persone will start on February 1st, 2016. The selected candidate will…
1935 to 2015 – 80 years serving the interior design profession. The 80th anniversary of the Association will be a marvellous…
For the 20th edition of the Week-ends Visites libres (April 2-3 & 9-10, 2016), designers and promotors are invited to submit model units designed for the…
The 8th Edition of the Phyllis-Lambert Grant was launched early September. This grant of $10 000 Is awarded by the City of Montreal, through…
Interior Designers of Canada (IDC), the Association Professionelle des designers d’intérieur du Quebec (APDIQ) and the Council for Interior Design Qualification (CIDQ), are pleased to…
APDIQ’s AGM will take place on May 7th, 2015. Agenda : – 1 pm to 4:30 pm : Continuing education – course, information sessions and panel. –…
The APDIQ provides members with standard contracts, revised by our lawyers. The complete version (for commercial use), including two appendices, costs $25+taxes….
2 pm to 5 pm : National Building Code, means of evacuation (in french) 3 CEUs CECDI + SSB Speaker: André Gobeil Objectives…
2 pm to 3 pm: Master the principles of universal accessibility (in french) 1 UEC CECDI Speaker: Isabelle Cardinal With a…
Jeudi Jaune is series of relaxed gatherings, bringing together the community of interior designers in a cocktail format, from all categories : students, emerging designers, professionals, design firms…
This guide has been prepared for APDIQ’s members in order to promote the standardisation of their practice. A precious tool…