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IDC Announces the Wayne Thomson Bursary for future holders of the NCIDQ certification

On August 10th, 2016, Interior Designers of Canada (IDC) announced the creation of the Wayne Thomson Bursary, intended for Intern/Provisional members of a provincial association desiring to complete, or having recently completed their NCIDQ Examination.

The Bursary of $500 US will be awarded to one or to several candidates who will have successfully completed the first ( IDFX) and the second parts ( IDPX) of the Examination, with the intent of helping them to assume the costs of this process. 

To participate, the candidates will have to answer a series of questions describing their motivation to take the Examination, as well as to provide an proof of passing of portions 1 and 2 of the Examination, as well as a proof of registration to the Practicum or a proof of recent completion. The laureates will be determined by a selection committee which will base itself on the quality of the answers on the registration forms. 

Entries will be accepted until Friday, October 14th, 2016 at 4 pm. 

To view the details and regulations, visit IDC’s website

Consult the Registration Form

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