For the 20th edition of the Week-ends Visites libres (April 2-3 & 9-10, 2016), designers and promotors are invited to submit model units designed for the marketing of residential projects in Montreal and the Montreal greater area.
This year, special attention will be put on projects that have used materials or products designed or produced in Quebec.
Here are the 5 awards categories :
- Best kitchen concept
- Best lighting concept
- Best space planning
- Best choice of materials
- « Grand Prix Habitat Design » : best overall concept
Projects are divided by budget categories :
- Model units designed for housing sold for $200 000 $ or less;
- Model units designed for housing sold in the price range between $200 001 $ and $500 000;
- Model units designed for housing sold for $500 001 $ and above.
To submit your project to the Prix Habitat Design and to the Visites libres, visit
The Prix Habitat design – Volet unités modèles aménagées 2016 are prodcued by Jacques Beaulieu consultant inc. with the support of the Association professionnelle des designers d’intérieurs du Québec and FORMES magazine, in collaboration with and the Casa section of thedu Journal de Montréal.